Articles of interest from around the world
We are pleased to present articles of interest to our members from around the globe.
Helping Hospital Staff Visualise Energy Savings
Palmerston North Hospital is enjoying substantial energy savings every year, thanks to smart monitoring software that helps management assess energy needs at a glance.
In a Nutshell: Non-Essential, Essential and Maintained Electrical Supply Systems
Electrical distribution systems within hospitals are generally one of three types: Non-Essential or normal supply is the usual utility electrical supply with no back-up facility in the event of a supply failure. Connected devices go off until supply returns. Within patient care areas, AS/NZS3003 requires that in most cases socket […]
In a Nutshell: Positive and Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms
What are Positive and Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms, and How do they work? In this article by Richard Whitehead, we answer these questions.
This article considers why steam systems enable reduced individual assets within a HSO, gain reliable processing and still contribute to thermal efficiency targets.
Requirements for Body-Protected Areas in General Practice Medical Centres
What is a Body Protected area?