A Biomedical Look at ECT
There are few pieces of equipment in a hospital that evoke such strong opinions amongst the public as the Electro-Convulsive Therapy Machine.
Biomedical technicians – the hidden heroes behind safe surgery
In partnership with African healthcare systems and leaders, Mercy Ships is able to help train and mentor local medical professionals, improving surgical care in the long term.
Purchasing Medical Appliances from Overseas
With the ease of purchasing products from overseas via the Internet, direct importing medical appliances appears a very favourable prospect. But is it really?
Use of Extension Cords and Power Boards in Medical Locations
The following content from Meditest Ltd is provided for convenience. However, the NZIHE cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk. Most hospitals in New Zealand either have a ban or strict control on the use of […]
Multiplying biomedical capacity in developing nations
Making free essential surgical care accessible to people in low-income countries is a bold undertaking which has just been made even more complex by the surgical backlog created by COVID-19.
Clinical Engineering: How Biomeds make hospitals safer.
How do Biomed’s support clinicians and support patient welfare.
Understanding medical electrical safety rules in New Zealand
This is a brief Explanation of Medical Electrical Safety Regulations in New Zealand.
Requirements for Body-Protected Areas in General Practice Medical Centres
What is a Body Protected area?